What People Are Saying

Curious about the Lock & Key experiance? Read about what it’s like to work with us straight from the horses mouth.

Alec Bravo

  • “Allison is an amazing coach. She helped me adopt a more balanced approach to fitness and nutrition, which was something I’ve struggled with for many years. Her expertise is invaluable and impacted me greatly in such a short period of time. I feel empowered during my in person training sessions with Allison. I’ve never been stronger!"

    — Nina Davannavong

  • “In 2000, I suffered a TBI, which affects the way my mind communicates with the left side of my body. The injury affects the way I walk. In 2017, I had foot surgery in hopes of correcting the way I walk. My surgeon, however, didn't recommend any post op PT due to pain issues. And, unfortunately, led to more pain and frustration. I gained over 60 lbs, and lost a ton of strength. Before joining Keyes Fitness Coaching, I had tried almost every fad diet and at home workout app to come out in the last few years. And after giving up on each of these diets and workouts, I gained back any weight lost, and lost any strength gained. I've known Eric for a long time, and finally contacted him for details about the program. I honestly didn't know what to expect, because I figured I wouldn't fit into the program due to my physical limitations. But I was wildly mistaken. Eric created a diet and exercise plan designed to help me combat these restrictions. And I know he had to put in work and research to help me work through these limitations. He's quick to respond to my questions, and is extremely supportive in helping me achieve my goals. He's welcoming, knowledgeable, and solution oriented. I'm 9 weeks in, and I've lost 16 lbs. I'm feeling stronger and in better shape than ever before. I'm putting in 2 miles on the elliptical 5 days a week. I was able to take my daughter trick or treating on Halloweenan event I've missed out on since she was born. I go to the gym by myself a huge accomplishment for me. Eric and this program made me feel like I can achieve anything I set my mind to. I know that sounds cliché, but it is the truth. I have a newfound confidence. I'm excited to wake up and get the day started every morning, which is something I don't think I've ever said. It feels great to be on this journey.”

    — Jon Windholz

  • “When I first started my program, I was struggling with who I had become. I lacked self-esteem, was suffering from anxiety and depression, and I didn’t love myself enough to want change. A friend referred me to Keyes Fitness and I wasn’t opposed to learning more about it, but had no intention of joining a personal training program. It was during the initial phone conversation that there was mention of the effects that fitness has for whole body that I knew I needed this program. What surprised me most is the impact that fitness and training has had on my overall life. Before I started this program, I didn’t like the person I had become but that changed when I started working with Eric. He was dedicated to helping me become stronger, physically, mentally, and emotionally, and because he was willing to do that for me, I wasn’t going to let him down. It’s definitely easier to find excuses than to put in the work, but only one of those has helped me start loving myself once again."

    — Brenda Donaldson

  • "When I started I was 255 pounds. I am 6’ 2” but was still quite overweight for my height. My face was pretty round and I had no muscle definition and a pretty round belly. I struggled with understanding how to workout correctly as well as grasp nutrition and how to lose weight in a healthy way. I learned a lot about how protein, carbs and fats all play into a healthy diet. Which fats, proteins and sources of food in general are healthy and which ones are unhealthy. How you could eat a small amount of something with unhealthy ingredients and you’d end up eating almost your whole day worth of calories in one meal, or you can choose the right things and eat a whole lot but not be getting an absurd amount of calories and unhealthy fats and ingredients. I’m almost 3 years in with Eric as my fitness and nutrition trainer and I am 215 pounds currently. I have put on a ton of muscle. I’m most shocked at how big my chest has gotten which I have never expected to ever have. My legs are super defined and I am proud of that. I have had some personal setbacks but none have set me back to the point of gaining very much fat back at all, only stunted towards my long term goal in the short term. I’m glad to stick with this program when I’ve had life set me back because the accountability and goals to keep towards has prevented me from gaining fat back and before I started this program I’d overeat and have unhealthy habits. I’m glad my metabolism has become so much better, but it only stays really high if you stay on track. I still have some belly fat but way less than I did when I started and only I can stick full on to get rid of it. It’s easy to put on muscle when you stick to the workout regimen but following the nutrition part diligently are the times where ive taken the fat off and even when I’m not as strict with my diet the fat doesn’t come back. I just started another calorie deficit and I feel good and am starting to see my body recomposition and I’m excited. I want to knock the final frontier of my belly fat out. I’m more than happy with how my body looks and feels but if I can finally really focus on that part I will be farther than I could have ever imagined with how my body looks and feels. My face is slender and I am toned and feel good. 3 years in and I’m still reminded how I can do workouts incorrectly and it’s great to have the support system of a trainer who can help see what you may be forgetting on certain workouts. There are so many varying movements to working out that it can be intimidating to remember it all and know if you’re doing it correctly and same thing applies to nutrition. I know many people who are too intimidated to even get going on trying these things because the rabbit hole of knowledge on food and nutrition is vast and it is intimidating to get started. Eric has 100% changed my life for the better and I am so grateful he has done what he has for myself and my wife. We look better, feel better, our mental states are far greater, and I crave the endorphins I get from working out and the good feelings I get from proper food. I have recommended him to many friends and I myself will continue to stay with this program for a long time. Life changing program 100%"

    – Sam Rivkin

  • "I'm in my 50s and realized last year that my mobility had gone down a bit thanks to my day job, where I sit in a chair most of the time. I had trouble getting up and sitting down, and balance issues. Training with Eric has gotten rid of all of that, put me back in fighting shape, and made me more mindful about staying fit as time goes on. Could not have done it without Eric's expertise, skill and support, all of which he gives 100%. I have a lot better sense of mind and body connection, and that makes all the difference at this stage of life. Lock & Key is the best."

    – Daniel Boen

  • "Eric helped me address some pretty serious mobility issues that had compounded over years of weightlifting, military service, stage performance, etc. He’s extremely knowledgeable and also possess the skill of situational awareness. He’ll push you to the place you need to go to obtain results, but never to a place of non-value add discomfort, all while remaining empathetic in his approach."

    – Jeremy Blake

  • "Eric took my goals of improving my nutrition and building strength and helped me get on a path that has made me feel better about my health in every way. What I like most is that his approach is not absolutist - you don't need to be perfect in any one thing, you just need to do better than you did before. This really helps my motivation especially in the face of work stress and other obstacles. I undoubtedly feel stronger and better overall than when I strarted."

    – Axel Aguado

  • "Eric got me feeling comfortable with myself again. He texts throughout the week to make sure I am on track which I appreciate. My change in weight, confidence, strength, flexibility, discipline, and attitude have been amazing. Truly grateful."

    – Dena Brauch

  • "Went from 254 to 192 the first few months of using the online program. My dietary habits and mentality about fitness has improved immensely from when I started. Super easy to use and fulfill program. As well as generally just feeling better, more energetic, and positive, on a day to day"

    – Josh Berini

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